"I think that it's important now for people coming into the entertainrnent or pop culture business to know that all bets are off, ... We don't necessarily know that filmmaking as we know it will exist in few years.
We don't know that gaming is going to look the way it (now) looks or TV is going to look the way it looks. There is no doubt that there is convergence happening through these various media"
Alex McDowell
A transmedia narration is an ensemble of stories which are declined on more media platforms and for which each medium involved gives its specific contribution so to get the best possible comprehension of the narrated world.
Transmedia narration represents for the audience a powerful tool to approach with a more integral (if related to the models based on the original texts and auxiliary products) method the basic content that is submitted through the development and distribution of a transmedia franchise. According to the sociologist Jenkins [*], this is a “process in which integral elements of a fiction are systematically spread on more distribution channels with the aim of creating an unique entertaining experience which will be unified and coordinated. Each medium, ideally, gives its own specific contribution to the development of the story-line. This process is enriched and complicated by the fan’s production of contents. These contents often give strength or simply complicate the idea of “unified and coordinated entertainment experience"