The Virtual Museums (VR) are a new model of Cultural
Communication which is focused on the creation of a custom way, involving and
interactive, of improve our comprehension of the World that surrounds us.
The term “VR” is an acronym which represents, so, the
different types of Digital Creations in the segment of the Cultural Industry,
referring to the Industry of Digital Contents.
Although the Idea of Virtual Museum is not new to the
professionals, the development and the implementation of research in this
specific field has not yet produced results such that the many companies, which
operate in the Digital field, could commit to this segment to gain a structural
leading role in this specific field of the Cultural Industry.
In opposition, it is well known that the domination of
Virtual Museums is one of the ideal layers of applications of the Digital
Contents Industry for the development of new businesses and at the same time
solve the problems in favor of the Community.
In many cases, we are still in front of a
disconnection between the theoretical research, which develops instruments
which have a poor interest for their wide industrial application which,
instead, builds the plans to gain profit from research,
This segment, so, hasn’t reached yet a sufficient
level of maturity which has been reach by, for example, by some branches of the
Digital Cultural Entertainment Industry such as Cinema or Videogames, to by so
widespread as it should be, either for social or economic importance.
Therefore, it is clear to see that the operators
capable of developing today sustainable industrial plans oriented towards
the design of the so-called Museum of Future (concept
which will affirm themselves together with the worldwide development of
the global Information Society and the parallel penetration of the Digital
Culture in all of the social layers of populations) will assume a competitive advantage and a
leading role in the specificity of this significant branch of the Cultural
Because these new forms of diffusion of Knowledge will
gain, in the next few years, a leading and strategic role such as the
common-usage instruments in the common Cultural communication in the History of
Men (ad in the Heritage of a nation in particular), in the didactics and education,
such as in the divulgation of Science itself.
With the definition of the Digital Renaissanceproject,
Rebel Alliance Empowering has determined, since a few years, a framework in
which it has focused its mission and its objectives in this specific segment of
the Cultural Industry of Digital Contents.
Objectives which have been pursued with a strategy which gains, as its
own competitive advantage, the application of its knowledge and its
creative/technical know-how which have been already experimented (with
successful results) in other important segments of the Digital Contents Industry,
such as Movies and Live shows and events.
[some of the previous contents showed in the paragraph above are from : Virtual Museums Transnational Network Grant Agreement 270404 | V-Must Network of excellence (NoE) ICT Call 6 – FP7-ICT-2009-6 ]